Annual results 2019/20 (2min, FR)

ERRES' good annual results as at March 31, 2020 reflect the portfolio's excellent positioning in terms of location, vacancy risk and environmental profile.

  • Stabilisation of the dividend at CHF 3.50, to be approved by the General Meeting of 21 July 2020.
  • Reduction in the vacancy rate from 3.14% to 2.95%, underlining the quality of the properties in the portfolio, their good location and the manager's ability to adapt to market developments.
  • Increase of 26.30% in net income thanks to quality acquisitions and good cost control: TER(GAV) stabilised at 0.70%.
  • Reduction of the debt ratio from 29.78% to 25.54% and reduction of the weighted average cost of debt from 1.37% to 1.32%.
  • Certification in 2020 by SGS of the self-assessment made on the basis of the SNBS 2.0 building standard. ERRES is thus the first component of the SSREI - Swiss Sustainable Real Estate Index.